Tarot Predictions for July 2016 by Madhu Kotiya

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As the month of July is about to begins, we bring you the latest tarrot predictions for your sun sign from famous Body, Mind and Soul Doctor Madhu Kotiya. Know how will be the month of July for you and the do's and don’ts for the month.



You feel at peace with your spiritual and philosophical understanding, as you’ve seen proof over time that you are guided and protected. Over recent months you’ve learned a lot and feel deeper connection with the simple truths of the spiritual journey you’re on. Your work life is basically mellow. It’s hard work, yes, but it suits you well. Events seem to conspire to make you choose to leave what security you have behind, as travel seems required and that may interfere with your more regular work activities. This will cause you stress and worry and yet there’s little you can do about the necessity. The good news is that more of your employment will wait for your return than you imagine. You need to become incisive about your friendships and relationships in general, Aries. You have the charming expectation that everyone is well meaning and open to your warm overtures. This won’t be the first time in your life that you’ve been told you must take an initial step back and just get a realistic feel of those you encounter, before you make expectations of the person concerned.

TAROT TIP: Do not neglect your physical health in pursuit of spiritual understanding this month. The key to healthy life is balance.



Some issues will arise pertaining to relationships from your past, from your childhood. It’s time to face some of the deficits your upbringing left you with and to boundlessly forgive. This will bring about better relations with someone from that childhood. To forgive doesn’t mean to excuse bad or ignorant behaviour; it’s simply to gain greater understanding as to why certain persons did as they did, without assuming a positive assessment of those actions. On the work front, people will be boosting your ego by praising your work and such. Do not fall into the false trap. Keep the quality of work up. The hand of destiny is certainly upon your sector of romance and relationship and there’s no way you won’t be finding love and partnership in some form this month. Your heart is open and mellow and if you are in a strong relationship, it will start to resonate on a higher level. But if you’re single, some exciting connections are going to take place.

TAROT TIP: Those who are single can experience meeting someone very special this month through a relative. So be on a lookout!



Overall health seems to be very good this month. It is time to let go of your control issues and live a little. Try not to worry too much about your health issues and meet your family or friends and have a good time.  All has been quite pleasant in your work world in recent times, but unfortunately some troublemakers are gunning for you in the work place. Beware of attempts to manipulate you into doing way more work than you should in order to ease up their own workload. Hold strong this month, as a relationship that you’ve held dear may well shift come tumbling down. This would come as a sudden surprise and therefore be rather distressing, but the good news is that your future is now freed up to be as grand and beautiful as you can barely imagine at this point. There will be a fine emotional and financial harvest ahead as a result of this relationship.

Tarot Tip: Try to live a little this month by inviting your friends or family or organizing a get together. 



Much of your original impression about the spiritual realms comes under scrutiny his month. Yes, it may well feel as if the very foundations of your spiritual or religious beliefs are crumbling and this can feel scary. But know this: you are being led closer to the truth and, as uncomfortable as it initially feels, it will turn out to be one of the most important things that will happen in this life. Spiritual expansion means FREEDOM. A journey has set you on a trajectory that promises to make your career hopes come true. The business and moneymaking side of these hopes are secure, but you will have to watch out for attempts at deception from someone involved in this success. It seems you’re going to have to be the one to put the brakes on celebratory expenditure within a relationship. Sure, you have every reason to celebrate, but a time must come when protecting your finances into the future must become primary. You will be victorious in this, as long as you don’t impose a double standard. 

TAROT TIP: Change is the only constant in life. So welcome it with open hands this month. It may seen scary at first but know this that it is for your best



You have been neglecting your health and trying to find some occult solutions. Try to recognize the symptoms first and then visit a physician. Meditation and spiritual sciences are good for general relaxation and mild issues but not everytime you can rely on that. They work best along with allopathy if that is what is required.Well, there’s plenty of money around you in your career and, what is more, those who hold great faith in you professionally have been very willing to financially back you. Yet, you hold fears of failure based on negative past experiences. You will battle those old fears and you will win, as there is no logical foundation to those fears. All will end up stable and well. You’ll be enjoying an almost unexpected harmony and richness in your emotional life this month, Leo. All relationships seem to have fallen into their rightful and optimal position. Those around you will feel this too, as problems of the past have been dealt with and mutual understanding peacefully achieved.

TAROT TIP: You will only gain financial increase once you let go of your money related irritational fears. 



Go for that health check up that you have been avoiding so far. It’s time you start taking good care of your health or else you lose on a lot. You truly have a knack about looking after yourself financially. Yet, altogether too often you feel anxiety and sorrow about your financial situation. You always decisively choose a path that leads you back to abundance when you sit in fear of lack. You might not always choose an obvious or logical path, but somehow instinctively you choose the right one. This is a month where divine providence supports you yet again and you move toward that financial sunshine you already know so well. It’s a complicated picture for Virgo in the sector of romance and relationship. In the immediate, your hopes for your relational life come true and you find great enrichment from those you love. This will be a relationship that you will need to either find a respectful renewal in, or find the need to walk away from.

TAROT TIP: Unusually, your experience of your own spiritual reality is tightly bound up with your experiences around divine providence, and your life lessons of faith in that providence.



Health seems to be at the peak this month! However, if you are a patient of Blood Pressure, take extra care of yourself.Family financial matters seem to have come to an harmonious outcome. But the hand of destiny has more in store for you. With careful attention to all legal necessity you can begin a new moneymaking project, based no doubt on the capital that previous financial sorting has allowed. There’s a foreign connection implied with this project and it will be allowing you the expression of a rather neglected creative birth gift you own. You’re going to have to stand your ground in battle mode with a younger, very sensitive person. They will try to manipulate you, but you’ll head that off at the pass. There’s travel around you that has impact on your sector of relationship and romance and probably has reference to the battleground you’ll be dealing with. It’s a time of learning for you and the outcome is sunny. If you are single, it is going to be a bleak month for you. 

TAROT TIP: A family vacation is on the cards. Do not let go of the opportunity and go have fun!



Destiny is playing a hand in the unfolding of inner wishes and the hope of deeper knowing comes to pass. Questions within will be swiftly and easily answered. Career has been a bit of a juggle of late for Scorpio. Yet, this month sees you emerging from those difficulties and, with the help of friends, loved ones or partner, you’ll walk away from insecurity or loss toward a fine monetary harvest, a feeling of work security, and peace of mind. On the love front, you may have been cheated in your past relationships, You still feel the betrayal and hurt. It is time to move on and let go of this hurt. Not every person is the same. If you do not try to move on, you will be stuck in this vicious circle forever. So try to learn the lesson and move on. Forgiveness not only lets go of the hurtful incidence but also gives one a lot of inner peace. 

TAROT TIP: It is time you start trusting again. Let go of your past and give people some chance.



You’re doing very well in your health sector, Sagittarius! You have dodged almost all unhealthy bullets and you have been rigorously following all fitness regimes and going to the gym regularly too! Well you will see the results very fast!All seems well in your career sector.  You’re working  harmoniously with another person and that’s just one of the relationships that blossoms into a treasure this month. But that contentment is challenged by a restriction, or rule that comes down the hierarchical chain, that is counter to your understandings and spirit. You may choose to take less money in order to bypass that unwelcome edict. That restriction imposed in your career sector has played very strongly on you emotionally and spiritually. Although you overcome that challenging situation on a practical level, you find disappointment in the apparent entropy of humanity as it applies to your particular life’s work. It’s a good month for you within your general relationship spectrum, but there’s a special relationship that just blossoms beyond your expectations.

TAROT TIP: Don’t let your past bitter experiences at work affect your present work. Just keep working diligently and you shall see results very soon.



You may have been experiencing an emotional dilemma. This may be affecting your overall physical and mental health. Have the courage to really look at what you can and can’t accept and know that all spiritual guidance is there for you to take or leave as your soul deems acceptable. There has been some conflict in or around your career sector. At this time you find that as long as the expected remuneration is forthcoming you’ll put up with certain extra burdens. But this acquiescence will not last long. It will be a complicated battle to enforce greater understanding, and free you and others from exploitation. Your wish around this will come true. You’re involved in a battle, Capricorn, and it’s around a close relationship. You’re going to choose to walk away from the fray and you’ll feel a sense of relief in the immediate fallout from the rift. But it seems it will not all end there. You’re going to end up somewhat surprised at the final fallout from this issue that is actually beyond your control.

TAROT TIP: Try to clear your mind and get over your emotional dilemma. 



Well, at this time you’re juggling your spiritual understandings as well as your finances. You seem to flit between faith in certain ideas and the loss of the very same faith. Someone has put a dent in your spiritual intuition and the job at hand is for you to regain the understandings that are truly innate, truly yours, and to jettison those uncertainties that someone else has imposed on you. Trust in your own intuition. There’s an exotic vibe around your career ambitions as July begins. The hand of destiny is governing events in this sector and the advice is to put plans on a back-burner at this time, because you’re not sufficiently informed to ensure success. You have some serious study to undertake in order to manage this project to success. First find out just what it is that you don’t know. You have a win in your sector of romance and relationship. Yes, this win is around money. A special relationship has an issue concerning money and this win will go a long way to ease stressors that have had a habit of erupting in that relationship.

TAROT TIP: Gather all the knowledge you can before you invest in some work opportunity.



On the health front, things have been going smooth. You may have recently visited a hospital but now your health is much better. Do not take too many tensions at once and try to have a relaxing lifestyle. Overthinking things never help. Oh you do have quite a history of the need to juggle finances and battle the profligate spending of someone near and dear. So the difficulties you face in July are at least familiar. Be strong Pisces and insist on putting available money into a long-term growth cycle rather than into frivolous pleasantries. Your strength in this matter is the key to the renewal and regeneration of your financial security. When it comes to love, you have been very unlucky this past month and it seems to continue this month. Some of you may be going through a legal proceedings like divorce etc. Do not fret as this is just a phase. Everything happens for a reason and in the bigger picture u will see why you had to suffer like this. If you are single, take a backseat this month. If you are in a relationship, things may get suffocating for you too. So try to give each other some space. Overall it is not a good month for romance for Pisces!


Tarot Tip: Stay away from any romantic relationships this month and focus on work.

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